Note that you can find all the answers of these questions in the rules, please take time to read the rules before you ask something by email! This FAQ will grow with all the questions unanswered here.
1. Can i enter more than a miniature to the contest?
2. May i enter old miniatures?
3. I won the last contest, can i enter this one?
4. Can i put my logo on my pictures or on my miniatures?
5. Can i send you out of the camera pictures?
6. Is there any size i have to reduce the pictures to?
7. How many pictures do you want?
8. Can i put my name or account name on the pictures?
9. Will you reuse my pictures anywhere else than on your website?
1. Can i enter more than a miniature to the contest?
2. May i enter old miniatures?
Depends on what you call an old mini. You can enter a miniature painted during the three last months before the contest you enter.
3. I won the last contest, can i enter this one?
NO. And maybe you'll be asked to be judged... maybe ;)
4. Can i put my logo on my pictures or on my miniatures?
NO. We are using anonymous voting and judging system. It prevents being influenced by a name and only judge the quality of the painting.5. Can i send you out of the camera pictures?
NO. If out of the camera means you never resized the pictures, they'll surely be too big.6. Is there any size i have to reduce the pictures to?
Please keep in mind maximum size for a picture is 300Ko.
The lenght/width in pixels isn't limitated as long as the pictures does not exceed 300Ko.7. How many pictures do you want?
At least the front and back views. Then you can add any additional view you think is worth showing.8. Can i put my name or account name on the pictures?
If you've read the answer for question number 4 you know you can't, read the rules dude!9. Will you reuse my pictures anywhere else than on your website?
Yes. Winners pictures will be posted on the SPC CMON (Coolminiornot) gallery, altered with the SPC logo but all credits will go to the author. You can find a link to that gallery on the rules page.
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© Kow-Lown 2006 - All pictures are properties of their respective owner, you don't have permission to use them without their written license.